The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo

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The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo


How They Shadow Forth Darkness

To denote darkness, they represent the TAIL OF A CROCODILE, for by no other means does the crocodile inflict death and destruction on any animal which it may have caught, than by first striking it with its tail, and rendering it incapable of motion: for in this part lies the strength and power of the crocodile. And now, though there are other appropriate symbols deducible from the nature of the crocodile, those which we have mentioned are sufficient for the first Book.




Τ?λος το? πρ?του βιβλ?ου.



I. The illustration is from Belzoni's tomb. There are properly 12 figures of each side of the crocodile; representing the hours of the day and night.
II. The fig. beneath certainly signifies darkness; and is supposed to represent the end of a crocodile's tail.



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